
5 Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect

5 Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) is the result of parents not responding enough to the emotional needs of their children. While it is an invisible form of suffering, as opposed to bruises and broken bones, it has lasting ramifications. And adults that have suffered from CEN have no idea that their current world is being created from a place of lack.

How to Heal Your “Mother Wound?”

How to Heal Your “Mother Wound?”

Healing begins when we begin to understand what we didn’t have so that we can give ourselves what was missing. Long term healing comes when we engage both our left brain (cognitive side) and right brain (emotional side) together. We must engage both sides of the brain in a safe and caring presence in order to find effective healing.

What is Complex Trauma and What Causes it?

What is Complex Trauma and What Causes it?

Little “t” traumas (Complex-Trauma) are when someone is repeatedly exposed to extremely threatening events from which they are unable to escape such as, prolonged bullying or harrassment, prolonged emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, prolonged captivity, prolonged domestic violence, prolonged discrimination, or being a refuge.

Mental Health Effects of Emotional Abuse

Mental Health Effects of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is not as easy to spot as physical abuse, but oftentimes its effects can be just as traumatic. Emotional abuse can involve a wide range of tactics, including gaslighting, shaming and manipulation. All of these are intended to leave the victim feeling confused, powerless and hopeless.

What is a Mother Wound?

What is a Mother Wound?

A “mother wound” is not a term we often hear, so if you’re wondering if you or someone you care about has a “mother wound,” you have come to the right place.

There is no official clinical mental health diagnosis for the mother wound, but it is a form of complex trauma that can be passed down from one generation to the next. The mother wound is most often associated with daughters and mothers, but sometimes sons can have mother wounds as well.

Signs of Depression

Signs of Depression

Depression is more common that some might think. According to hopkinsmedicine.org, approximately 9.5% of American adults will suffer from a depressive illness each year. It’s natural to feel down or anxious from time to time. However, prolonged feelings of hopelessness and despair could be a sign of something more. When these emotions grab hold, and won’t let go, it is likely you may have depression. Depression makes every day a constant challenge. You no longer enjoy life as you once did.

5 Signs Your Partner May Be Addicted To Pornography

5 Signs Your Partner May Be Addicted To Pornography

With an estimated 28% of women viewing online pornography versus 72% of men, pornography addiction isn’t a problem specific to men; women can also become addicted. If you’re concerned that your partner has developed an addiction to pornography, here are some signs to look out for.